Shrigiridhari Physiotherapy Center

"Back Neck and Joints"

Certified Mckenzie Clinic

Dr. Asha Menon (P.T.), Dip. MDT

Diplomated McKenzie Clinician

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As the facility provider

Accredited From The McKenzie Institute International, New Zealand 

A Non-surgical superspecialisation center for Back, Neck and Joint pain.

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Picture courtsy - spinalpublications, New Zealand.

Experience the low technology, highly reliable Mechanical Assessment and Diagnosis, also famously called the Mckenize Concept. This is a proven, highly standardized and well structured, consistant and reliable between clinicians with Credentialling or Diplomate qualification round the world, throughout all types of populations. We would need no expensive investigations neither to inform you if you would be a responder or non responder to the system nor towards overseering your management. Our tratment is consistent with the research recommendations. 

If you are a world traveller, we would inform you how you could be supported round the world within the network of 'Certified McKenzie Clinics', and we assure you, you would find quality is consistant with the name.

A McKenzie Clinician believes the patient knows best. After all, you know your pain better. And hence we hear you out to know what your specific problems are that limits you, be it pain or functions. What your goals are, both short term and long term. A McKenzie assessment has been well researched and is  reliable between clinicians who are trained in it, to bring out responders and non-responders. In responders we would know how best to help you control your pain and prevent your recurrences, or when and how you would need our help to control your pain in the least number of sessions. We do not need any expensive investigations, nor gadgets. Our structured assessement and clinical reasoning  is all that is needed.